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Why Russelia Equisetiformis: The Fountainbush is perfect for Wellington Gardens 🌿

a close up view of Russelia Equisetiformis: The Fountainbush in a wellington home. the flower displays beautifully striking red flowers

Why the Fountainbush is perfect for Wellington Gardens

If you're looking to add a touch of tropical elegance to your garden, look no further than Russelia Equisetiformis, commonly known as the fountainbush. Native to the vibrant landscapes of Mexico and Guatemala, this stunning shrub is a fantastic addition to any garden, especially in Wellington’s unique climate. Here’s why you should consider incorporating this resilient beauty into your outdoor space.

The Allure of the Fountainbush

The fountainbush is named for its distinctive, arching, and cascading growth habit that mimics the graceful flow of a fountain. This tropical shrub can reach an impressive height of 4-5 feet at maturity, creating a striking vertical element in your garden design. Its slender, rush-like stems are adorned with delicate, tubular flowers that bloom in brilliant shades of red, coral, or pink, attracting hummingbirds and butterflies to your garden, adding life and movement.

Ideal Growing Conditions for Wellington

While Russelia equisetiformis thrives in sunny spots, it's versatile enough to adapt to various garden environments. Here’s what you need to know to help your fountainbush flourish in Wellington's weather conditions:

  • Sunlight: The fountainbush performs best in full sun but can tolerate partial shade. Wellington enjoys around 2,000 hours of sunshine annually, so aim for at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day to ensure prolific blooming.

  • Soil: This plant prefers well-drained soil. Whether your garden has sandy, loamy, or even slightly rocky soil, the fountainbush will adapt, making it an excellent choice for rock gardens.

  • Watering: Although it’s drought-tolerant once established, regular watering will promote lush growth and abundant flowering. In Wellington, where rainfall is well-distributed throughout the year, allow the soil to dry out between waterings to prevent root rot.

  • Temperature: Being a tropical shrub, it thrives in warm climates. Wellington's mild winters, where temperatures rarely drop below 6°C (43°F), are suitable for this plant. The fountainbush can also tolerate Wellington's cooler summer temperatures better than many other tropical plants.

Wind Resistance

One of the standout features of Russelia equisetiformis is its surprising wind resistance. Despite its delicate appearance, this hardy shrub can withstand moderate wind, making it an excellent choice for exposed garden spots. Given Wellington's reputation as the windy city, with frequent gusts, the fountainbush has proven to be remarkably resilient, maintaining its grace and beauty throughout.

The fountainbush is relatively low-maintenance, which is a boon for both novice and experienced gardeners. Here are some simple care tips tailored for Wellington:

  • Pruning: Trim the stems after flowering to maintain a neat shape and encourage new growth. This also prevents the plant from becoming too leggy, especially in Wellington's variable weather.

  • Fertilising: A balanced, slow-release fertiliser applied in spring will support healthy growth and flowering. Avoid over-fertilising, as this can lead to excessive foliage at the expense of blooms.

  • Pests and Diseases: The fountainbush is generally pest and disease-resistant. Keep an eye out for aphids and spider mites, which can occasionally appear, and treat them with insecticidal soap if needed.

Landscaping Ideas for Wellington Gardens

The versatile nature of Russelia Equisetiformis makes it suitable for various landscaping applications:

  • Borders and Edges: Plant it along garden borders or pathways to create a flowing, colourful edge, perfect for Wellington's windy environment.

  • Containers: Grow it in large pots or hanging baskets where its cascading habit can be showcased.

  • Water Features: Its fountain-like growth pairs beautifully with ponds, fountains, and other water features, bringing a tropical vibe to your garden.

  • Wildlife Gardens: Attract hummingbirds and butterflies by planting it in wildlife-friendly areas of your garden, enhancing the natural beauty of your garden.


Russelia equisetiformis, the fountainbush, is a stunning and resilient addition to any Wellington garden. Its graceful, arching stems and vibrant blooms will bring a touch of tropical beauty to your outdoor space. With its ability to thrive in sunny, windy conditions typical of Wellington, this plant is a testament to the adaptability and beauty of nature. Embrace the fountainbush in your garden and enjoy the splash of colour and life it brings.

Happy gardening! 🌿

the plant: Russelia equisetiformis (the fountainbush) displayed in a wellington home at ground level next to some beachy wood decking and natural pebbles